Tell us a little about yourself. What made you decide to start your blog, and how did you come up with the name, Running with Sass?
I started my blog back in November of 2009 as a way to hold me accountable during my new running adventures. When I realized people were actually reading it, I got really excited and put more of myself into it. The name came from a couple of places. I have a dog named sassy, and my high school basketball coach called me sassy because of her and because of my attitude I guess! I also love running in fun and colorful outfits, so the name seemed to fit!
How do you train for a marathon? Do you have certain foods you prefer to eat beforehand? Are there any things you use/bring with you when you prepare for a race?
Slow and steady! I have had a number of injuries and realized quickly that I have to build up my mileage very slowly. I run four times a week, with a long run on the weekends. I love smoothies, peanut butter, and bananas as fuel. I take GU with me as well as some type of sports drink and water. I live in the very hot and humid south so lots of liquids!
I love runDisney! They put on amazing races. Who doesn't love taking picture with characters and running through Cinderella castle during a race? Seriously though, they know how to do it right. From the expo, to the course support and fun factor, they are amazing races. I am a Disney nerd, so combine my love for running and for Disney and it's a match made in heaven. My favorite so far has been the Princess half marathon that is held in February.
What is your favorite thing about running? What keeps you motivated to continue running?
I use running as a stress reliever, and a time to think. Just being alone to sort out my thoughts or distress from a long day is something I don't take for granted. I am also very competitive and love racing. If I didn't have races on the calendar I know I wouldn't run near as much. Plus, who doesn't love race bling?
What's something surprising you have learned from running in marathons?
I have learned that the running community is really a great group of caring and fun people. When a runner falls down and gets hurt, people swarm around them to help. I have carried on many interesting and encouraging conversations with strangers during races. It's so fun to be surrounded by like minded individuals!
For more from Heather, visit her blog,, and follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter @runningwithsass