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Health Blogger, Caitlin Boyle  from "Healthy Tipping Point"

Health Blogger, Caitlin Boyle from "Healthy Tipping Point"

Tell us a littleabout yourself. My name is Caitlin and Im 28 years old. I live inCharlotte, North Carolina with my husband, son, and two dogs. I enjoy running and doing triathlons, amobsessed with dachshunds, and cant get off Twitter (follow me@CaitlinHTP!). In addition toHealthyTippingPoint.com, I


Tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Caitlin and I’m 28 years old. I live in Charlotte, North Carolina with my husband, son, and two dogs. I enjoy running and doing triathlons, am obsessed with dachshunds, and can’t get off Twitter (follow me @CaitlinHTP!). In addition to HealthyTippingPoint.com, I also run the OperationBeautiful.com blog. I’m the author of three books, including Healthy Tipping Point: A Powerful Program for a Stronger, Happier You and two books based on the Operation Beautiful blog.

When and why did you create your blog, “Healthy Tipping Point” and how did you come up with the name?

I wasn’t always the healthiest person. In fact, I spent most of my college years drinking beer and partyin’ way too hard. I spent most days on the couch and many nights at the bar! As a result, I was constantly exhausted and emotionally burnt out. But in 2006, my best friend Lauren sat me down and told me enough was enough – I either needed to shape up or shut up. I was inspired by her straightforward approach and went out on a short run with her. I could barely go 1/4 a mile without stopping, but something about the experience appealed to me. As I transitioned from a college student to a full time worker, I began to take exercise more seriously, and in two months, I trained for my first race. When I crossed the finish line of my 10K, I felt proud, excited, and confident. And I never looked back! With that first 10K, I had found my Healthy Tipping Point. A Tipping Point refers to a sociological event during which a previously rare phenomenon becomes rapidly and dramatically more common. Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book called The Tipping Point, and he describes the Tipping Point as "the levels at which the momentum for change becomes unstoppable."

Do you have any advice for someone who is trying to become fit and start eating healthier?

The Healthy Tipping Point: A Powerful Program for a Stronger, Happier You book is based on the concept that small efforts add up to something amazing. My advice? Don’t try to change your whole life at once. Just change one thing at a time. Set realistic and achievable goals, and focus more on being healthy than being a certain weight or size.

What does “being healthy” mean to you?

Health is about a balance between emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness. Health looks different on different people and certainly isn’t all about the number on a scale.

What are some of your favorite healthy foods to integrate into your diet? Here are some of my favorite recipes?






According to your blog, you love to participate in running, cycling, and swimming races. How do you prepare for a race? Any advice for someone who wants to start?

There are many great training plans for road races and triathlons available online (and in the HTP book). I try to swim two times a week, run three times a week, and hop on my indoor trainer at least once – but I’m bad about getting my rides in! I really recommend the Couch to 5K program, which is available for free online, for true beginners. It’s a walk/run program and very achievable.

What is your favorite way to stay in shape during the week?

I love to swim – it’s my favorite activity. Now that I have a baby and find it harder to get to the gym or do runs outside, I’m getting into workout DVDs. I just bought the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 workout and love it a lot.

For more fitness tips from Caitlin, visit her blog, http://www.healthytippingpoint.com/, ike her on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter @CaitlinHTP