Tell us more about your background in health and fitness.
I am a 27 year old gal living in NYC who works a corporate job while trying to find free time to run, bike, and travel.
Growing up in Connecticut, I was always an active kid. My parents enrolled me in every single sport possible: soccer, softball, golf, tennis, name it, I was probably playing it. For me, playing sports was more about having fun and working towards a goal. I never really thought about it in terms of being “fit” or exercise. It wasn’t until I went to college and stopped being active through sports that I had to learn more about fitness.
In regards to healthy eating, I was very lucky to have a mom that always cooked well-balanced dinners for us to eat as a family growing up. I have to give a lot of credit to my parents for teaching me healthy living habits early on.
When did you become a runner? Have you always been active and into running?
I absolutely hated running growing up unless I was playing a sport. During college, I started to run to stay active but only shorter distances of 3 to 4 miles. It wasn’t until I graduated college and moved to NYC that I decided I needed a challenge outside of my career. That was when I decided to run my first marathon!
When did you run your first race?
Funny story: my first race was actually an overnight Ragnar Relay race in 2010. A bunch of guys I worked with at the time asked if I would run with them because they needed a 12th runner for the team. It was my first job out of college, and I really wanted to impress everyone I worked with so I decided to say yes and start training. It was the first time that I “trained” for a race (not really sure that I trained, but I ran more often than usual). I actually did okay compared to some of the others guys!
My half marathon PR of 1:52. I had been working towards going sub-2 in a half marathon for a year, and it wasn’t until I started training properly with a running coach that I ended up beating my previous PR by over ten minutes. I was really proud of myself after that race!
What are your top tips for anyone who is just starting out and would like to train to run their first race?
I am not an expert in running, but my recommendation would be starting off slow. You probably aren’t going to run 5 miles on your first run. Maybe not even a mile, but don’t get discouraged! Everyone has to start somewhere! Just start with working up to one mile. If you would have told my high school self that I would run marathons one day, I would have said you are absolutely out-of-your-mind crazy.
What kind of training plans do you use for your races?
For my first marathon, I used the Hal Hidgon Marathon Training Plan for beginners which worked well. However, this year I decided that I really wanted to accomplish some specific running goals so I decided to get a running coach. I love having a coach. It makes planning and training incredibly easy because you just follow the training plan that is tailored to you. Plus, a coach can adjust the plan based on your personal needs (more tempo runs, etc.), and help you prepare for your race mentally.
Why is running your passion?
I love running for many reasons. Running gives me time to myself. It helps with stress from my job. It gives me goals to work towards. It keeps me active and in shape. It allows me to see new places and be outside. Running has helped me make a lot of new friends. It gives me confidence. As cheesy as it sounds, running has made me a better person.
How do you keep yourself motivated throughout training and during long races?
Honestly, I am a mental case during my long races. I have extreme highs and extreme lows mentally during long distance runs. However, one thing my parents always taught me growing up is “You never quit something that you start”. That has stuck with me throughout my life, and especially when I am running. Quitting is never an option.
How do you fuel your runs? What kinds of pre- and post run snacks do you have?
I love Picky Bars for pre- and post runs. I also eat rice cakes and sunflower seed butter with chia seeds on top. I drink a lot of water throughout the day. I also drink Nuun before and after my runs to help with hydration.
What are some of your running necessities?
I always have two pairs of shoes in rotation: my Mizunos and Newtons. Some of my “must have gear” includes: running skirts and CEP Compression Socks. The only gels that don’t upset my stomach are Clif Shot Gel in Mocha.
What are some of your future running goals?
I have two big running goals for fall 2012. The first goal is to run a marathon in under 4 hours. The second goal is to run a half marathon under 1:45 (Yikes! Scares me just thinking about it).
Lastly, what does “healthy” mean to you?
For me, being healthy means being happy. It isn’t about the number on the scale or how fast you can run a marathon, it’s about being happy with who you are!
Keep up with all of Jocelyn's racing adventures and learn more running tips and tricks over at her blog, The Enthusiastic Runner!