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Living the Good Life with Katie Gagliano from Healthy Diva Eats

Living the Good Life with Katie Gagliano from Healthy Diva Eats

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your blog,Healthy Diva Eats? My name is Katie and Iwas born and raised in PA! I have moved a couple times out of state in the past3 years but am now back to PA to settle. My husband and I just purchased ourfirst home here! My blog is all about living a


Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your blog, Healthy Diva Eats? 

My name is Katie and I was born and raised in PA! I have moved a couple times out of state in the past 3 years but am now back to PA to settle. My husband and I just purchased our first home here! My blog is all about living a healthy lifestyle that includes fitness, healthy eating, balance, and positivity. I really think living a healthy lifestyle is the way to go and it is never too late to start! My blog shares my passion for living a healthy lifestyle, inside and out, and in return I hope my readers pick up new ideas, tips, or even feel motivated to start getting healthier themselves!

Why did you decide to create Healthy Diva Eats and what’s it all about?

I was reading a blog called "Eat like me" on shape magazine's website and fell in love with it, so I decided why not start up my own blog! I never knew it would grow into what it has become and I am so grateful. It has been a beautiful journey! So many amazing people I have met, such a great community of love and support, and I love what I do!

What does “healthy” mean to you?

Healthy to me is having self-love, positivity, eating healthy, fitness, and of course fun too! I maintain this philosophy daily, it is what makes me happy and something that is just clockwork for me!

Can you tell us more about your health and fitness journey?  What made you get into fitness?

Fitness really started when I started modeling in my early twenties. Working out was something I started to enjoy more, but it was also something that I became obsessed with. The modeling industry is a scary world, and you can go down a dangerous path if you are not careful. I was never technically diagnosed with an eating disorder but I can tell you I obsessed over calories, obsessed over my body, and did not love my body. All I saw were flaws. I am so happy I overcame that. I really don't know what snapped in my head, but maybe god just knocked on it and set me straight!

It’s easy to see on your blog, you are such a positive and happy person. What are five things you do every single day to be happy?

Five things I do every single day to be happy, oh wow! Hmm…. first off, I tell the people I love "I love you" every day. I also appreciate and show gratitude for each day I wake up. Exercise makes me happy each day, but if I don't, no big deal. Living each day to the fullest is happiness as well for me and blogging is a big happiness too!

What are some of your favorite nutritious eats?

Oh gosh, I have so many favorite eats! I love oatmeal, apples, spinach, lean proteins such as chicken, fish and most recently pork! Almond butters, SunWarrior protein powder, Fit Mixer protein powder, avocado, any fruit really, and I do love chia seeds! I just love healthy eats, they are what makes my body feel the best and most productive!

What are your top tips for our readers to become healthy divas?

My top tip to become a healthy diva? A healthy diva is a woman who loves herself and knows she is beautiful inside and out, is glam to the fullest, maintains a healthy lifestyle, lives life to the fullest, and wears a sweet pair of heels balancing it all!

How do you find the time to stay fit and healthy while being a mom?

My son and husband eat different than me, I always make my own meals and prepare them something different-we make it work! Fitness I can always fit into my day, even if it is only 20 minutes, I always find that time. That’s "me" time!

What message do you hope to get across to your readers through your blog?

The message I hope my readers take away from my blog is that everyone can lead a healthy and positive life, it is never too late to start living a healthier one and it is never too late to be happy! I hope my readers get daily inspiration and also daily happiness from my blog! <3

Thank you so much for featuring me as a Healthypage turner, I am honored! Cheers to a healthy, beautiful, and positive lifestyle!

To learn more about how to be a healthy diva like Katie, follow her blog Healthy Diva Eats!