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Healthy Living and Vegan Eats with Heather Waxman

Healthy Living and Vegan Eats with Heather Waxman

For ourreaders that dont know you, tell us a bit about yourself and your blog, Forthe Love of Kale.Hi everyone! My name is Heather Waxman and I am the author of thehealthy living blog For theLove of Kale. Ive been reading healthy living blogs for over four years nowbut just started mine at the tail


For our readers that don't know you, tell us a bit about yourself and your blog, For the Love of Kale.

Hi everyone! My name is Heather Waxman and I am the author of the healthy living blog For the Love of Kale. I've been reading healthy living blogs for over four years now but just started mine at the tail end of September. My blog follows my vegan eats, fun workouts, and positive outlook on life. Initially, I started my blog to show people that veganism can be easy and accessible but as I opened up about my recovery from anorexia nervosa, I realized that For the Love of Kale could also become a small haven of sorts for individuals suffering from disordered eating, body image issues, or a general lack of passion for life. I am absolutely blown away by how much readers inspire me every day to become a better person.

I am graduating from Framingham State University this summer and will have a B.S. in nutrition and a minor in journalism under my belt. I can't wait to fuse my passions for nutrition and journalism in the professional, working world!

Can you share with our readers some of your struggle with anorexia nervosa? When did you first develop it, how did it progress, and how have you overcome it?

Throughout my life, I have always been a bit of a perfectionist and a people-pleaser. Both of these characteristics are typical in those who suffer from an eating disorder. For me, it began in gym class one day when a classmate told me that I was “getting chubby.” Being fifteen years old and highly insecure, I started to restrict my calorie intake and over-exercise, and my habits quickly snowballed into anorexia nervosa. It wasn't until five years later, during my sophomore year of college, that I really sought recovery. I was so weak and mentally sick. Almost every thought was an eating disordered thought, and it became increasingly difficult to decipher my real thoughts from the eating disordered thoughts. I was threatened with getting kicked out of college if I didn't really try to get better. This really hit home for me, and I entered outpatient treatment, visiting a therapist and physician once a week.

This was also when I found veganism. At first, I decided to go vegan because I didn't want to consume Ensure, Boost, or any of the artificial smoothie-like drinks that are used to assist eating disordered patients gain the weight their bodies need. But consuming these drinks didn't make sense to me. “Why aren't they encouraging me to eat real food?” I wondered. With that in mind, I decided to go vegan. I was already vegetarian and had a strong passion for plant-based living. Initially, I went vegan because I knew that, by putting only these healthy foods into my body, I felt less guilty about what I was eating. But as I became further recovered, my veganism quickly morphed into a lifestyle that I loved for me and not for my eating disorder. I felt amazing and loved everything about it. Now, seven years later, I am recovered, happy, and strong! It feels pretty freakin' awesome.

"To anyone who is in the recovery process: I know that it is hard. You hate your new body and feel so uncomfortable in your skin. Once you get past that, life on the other side is SO amazing and you realize everything you are capable of. You can do this. Keep pushing past the point where ED says “You can't!” because you can!"

What are some things you still struggle with? How do you still deal with your eating disorder voice?

Many eating disorder experts say it is possible for everyone to rid themselves of their eating disorder voice. I disagree. This is something that I have accepted, and know I have to deal with for the rest of my life. That being said, I know how to turn it off (it took a lot of therapy to get there!). If a thought seeps in, I tell it to go away and use positive mantras such as, “You're strong and happy, Heather!” Those two words (strong and happy) are what my ED wants me not to be, and I worked too hard to go back. It's a constant battle but I know that everything happens for a reason. Out of my eating disorder came my passions for veganism and nutrition, a greater sense of compassion, and my blog! I wouldn't take it back for a second because it has helped shape me into the woman I am today.

If you could deliver one message or piece of advice to other women and girls out there struggling with body image issues, what would it be?

Body image issues always stem from our inability to know our TRUE selves. We have to peer deep inside our souls and get to know ourselves a bit. Make a list of your unique qualities that shape you and focus on owning those by showing other people those qualities. There is only one YOU. Be that person every day. Light up other's lives with everything you have to offer!

How did you make the choice to become vegan? What are some of the largest benefits for you and how do you come up with recipes?

Veganism was very natural for me. Once I got over my eating disorder, I was able to focus on creating new recipes and dive deeper into animal activism, something I'm still a newbie at but am still very passionate about. When I went for a physical last year, the nurse practitioner told me I was one of the healthiest people she had seen in years! I attribute that to my lifestyle: eating whole, plant-based foods every day. I have energy all day, always feel satisfied, and am receiving the highest quality nutrition. I've also saved a lot of money. I spend about $70 per week on groceries and get different meals out of that small chunk of change every day!

As for my recipes, I kind of come up with them on the fly - usually when I'm driving or doing something totally random! I'm a no-fuss kind of girl, so about 90% of my recipes are 25 minutes or less. I love showing people that while there are some amazing complicated vegan recipe out there, it doesn't have to be that way. I also receive a lot of inspiration from other blogs. Choosing Raw, Peas and Thank You, Healthy Happy Life, and Pure2Raw also really inspire me to create new meals! I totally admire those women.

What are your top five favorite healthy foods and how do you incorporate them into your diet?

Oh, I'm so glad you asked this!

1.) Kale! - Predicatable, I know. Kale is packed with calcium, iron, fiber, and antioxidants and is an alkaline food, meaning it helps to balance our pH levels. I love putting kale into salads, making kale chips, and even pop it into smoothies from time to time. It's slightly bitter, though, so if you're a first timer, I recommend sautéing it with coconut oil and garlic for five minutes on medium heat. It's delicious!

2.) Beans - Fun fact: The darker the bean, the higher the antioxidant content. Beans are also an incredible source of protein, fiber, and iron. They're super versatile too. You can put them into collard wraps, make homemade hummus, pop them into salads, roast them for a nice snack, and make patties with them.

3.) Quinoa - One of the most common questions vegans get asked is, “Where do you get your protein?” It's so funny because, as long as you're eating a variety of vegetables, legumes, and grains, you'll get more than enough protein! That being said, quinoa is an amazing option because it is a complete protein. This means it contains all nine essential amino acids we need to obtain from our diet. I love to put quinoa in stir frys and toss it into my salads. It also tastes great with a dab of coconut oil and 2 Tbsp. of nutritional yeast. This creates a delicious, “cheesy” flavor!

4.) Avocado - Like many eating disordered individuals, I used to fear fat like it was my job. No more! I eat avocado almost every day. Fat is so essential and, contrary to popular belief, does NOT make you fat. We need fat to protect our cells, for nerve function, and for memory preservation. I love to make my LeanCleanGreen and SuperWoman salads with avocado! It makes a wonderful dressing replacement.

5.) Almond Milk - This is the perfect alternative to dairy milk and is so versatile! I use it in sauces and mix it with some Vega or Life's Basics plant protein for a

yummy pudding. Nutritionally speaking, the calcium in almond milk is better absorbed than that in dairy's milk. We actually don't have the enzymes, lactase and rennin, needed to break down milk which is why so many people have lactose intolerance issues. Feel free to visit this post on why dairy is addictive!

What is your workout schedule like? How do you come up with all the fun workouts found on your blog?

I love working out! Exercise is sort of ingrained in me. I played softball, basketball, soccer, and gymnastics growing up so I was always active. Now, I don't play sports but I love challenging myself every day with a good workout. I typically exercise anywhere from 5 to 6 days a week and work alternating muscle groups each day. Workouts are anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes long!

I love my workouts, Tone It Up, and ZWOWs. Recently, I've strayed from straight up cardio and have been focusing on strength workouts: weight lifting, high intensity interval training, and plyometrics.

Here's a sample workout week:

Do you have any tips or advice for our readers on finding the right workout and schedule that will work for them?

Pick workouts that will challenge your body AND your mind! That will be different for all of us. For me, right now, it's strength, HIIT, plyometrics and barre but that could certainly change within a few months. Do what interests and motivates you. The biggest mistake you could make is completing a workout that feels daunting. It can be really hard, looking at so many blogs and seeing the various workouts they do, but make sure you stay true to yourself and avoid that nasty comparison trap. Listen to that beautiful bod pod!

Can you tell us more about Mind.Body.Barre?

Mind Body Barre is an empowering mind-body workout combining elements of dance, stretching, and resistance training. The routine revolves around interval overload. Muscles are worked until the point of fatigue and deep-stretched for relief at the end of the class. We use weighed Pilates balls, playground balls, and ballet barres but also a LOT of our own bodyweight for exercises. For a sample of the method, we do offer online virtual classes which are inexpensive and equally effective. Pretty amazing, huh?

I became certified in the Mind Body Barre method last spring and now teach classes there on Saturdays. If you are in the Rehobeth, MA area and are interested in taking the class, please come by. The clients are amazing, the instructors are friendly and well-trained in the method, and most importantly, your body will thank you for choosing to honor it!

What does “healthy” mean to you?

Healthy is such an arbitrary word but, to me, it means total and complete satisfaction mind, body, and soul. It is a complete synergy of fueling my body with plant-based foods, challenging myself with my workouts, and, most importantly, having a lot of strong friendships with people. With those three aspects of my life in place, I feel like I can conquer anything!

Heather shares her passion for life and all things health and fitness in her blog, For the Love of Kale. Visit today for tons of healthy vegan eats, fitness motivation, and more!